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2023 in Review

2023. So many things have happened for our little family here in Arkansas over the course of the last twelve months.  Just a few of the highlights for Stacy and me, that I wanted to share as we wrap up 2023, however, moving full steam ahead into the new year.  Multiple things to be thankful for in this season of life.  I wanted to provide a brief recap of some of our highlights both in ministry and in family.  As you can imagine, with 6 children, a lot of times the two mix and match well together.  


This year, there was a lot more travel for both of us, as many new doors opened for us to minister together in new platforms and in new cities.  We are always blown away at the connections made and friendships that occur with each of you as we travel to different cities for our ministry opportunities.  


I felt in November of 2022 that the Lord was calling me to work on establishing prophetic culture in the local church as I headed into 2023.   Through relationships in the UK, we have been able to successfully launch an equipping class that is currently working with 39 different church leaders in the UK to develop the Prophetic in their local church.  We plan to continue this equipping in 2023 as we begin Year 2 in developing and training leaders hopefully to establish this culture of hearing from God in their local church.   


I continued to travel with my mentor and spiritual father Wayne Drain, carrying his bags around the states, and a trip to Wales and throughout the UK.  Life is always busy when you go with Wayne, we had 17 meetings in 10 days. Got to see lots of cool things, meet some cool people and build on some great relationships.   Wayne and I also had the opportunity to travel and minister in Little Rock, Longview, Ft. Worth, and both served on the Presbytery team for Gateway Church.  I really enjoy our travels together and am looking forward to some new cities with Wayne in the coming year.


This spring, we saw our oldest daughter Emma Grace get married. Stacy was involved in most of that planning, while I had very few job duties with the process. In fact, my family decided about March that I needed a new friend. So, they got me my amazing Boston Terrier named Oliver Wigglesworth.  It’s a little worrisome that I reached a point where my children felt that I needed a puppy so I could have a friend.  We have enjoyed our walks, hikes around Nebo, and just having someone to listen to my jokes.  


Our son Warnock is halfway through his Senior year of High School. We spent all our Friday nights under the lights watching him play football for the Cyclone Football team.  He is planning on graduating in the spring and headed to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. (Proud Dad Moment).   Katie turned 16 years old and started driving this year, she is currently planning on joining Stacy and I on a mission trip this summer to the UK. She has big things in store for her, as she continues to amaze me with her love for God.  


We spent the spring with the twins Ezra and Birdee teaming up to perform in the city production of Matilda, then Ezra went on to star as a mouse in the production of the Nutcracker.    Both have found their own interests this year, with Ezra taking ballet and Birdee taking Jiu Jitsu (I affectionately call her “Ninja Bird” as she regularly is trying to put me in choke holds).  


Meanwhile Charlotte remains in her own little world, although she is obsessed with all things Nasa and Dinosaurs.  If there was a job description at Nasa for the study of dinosaurs in space, she would be the prime applicant.   


We are currently working with a team here at City Church to plan out a marriage conference in early February, Stacy continues to lead the Women’s ministry here and just finished her first semester of online studies with Christ for the Nations Institute.  She helps me lead the local prophetic team here at the church and continues to grow daily.  We’ve seen so many new faces joining the prophetic team this year locally. It’s been so encouraging seeing people hungry to grow in hearing from God. She has some exciting adventures ahead in 2024 with ministry connections and I look forward to seeing what’s next for her.  


I was able to host a weekend retreat at our cabin for 6 church leaders from Arkansas and Texas, and we had some great time and fellowship in the Lord. Each of these guys brought a unique gifting to the group, and I’m positive that we will see a lot of fruit from these new relationships.


We are looking forward to what’s in store for us in 2024, currently, I’ve got two trips to the UK planned for 2024. The annual Pioneer Leaders conference in March. We are also carrying a team to serve at Lark in the Park in Sidcup this July.  I’ll continue traveling some with Wayne as we’ve earmarked a couple of weekend ministry trips already for this spring.  This year, will also be a year of continuing to build relationships, looking for ways to carry the prophetic out and equip local church leaders.  I hope to find some time to work on my next book, which will be an equipping book on the prophetic. I’ve continued to carry “The Man in the Window” with me this year as I traveled.  Special thanks to everyone on their feedback for that book.  


I appreciate each of you for being in relationship with me, from the random text messages of encouragement, the phone calls, the prayers. Everywhere we have traveled we’ve found remarkable favor in building new relationships and friendships.  I believe that 2024, will continue to build on these relationships, and that we will continue to train, equip, and help to establish prophetic culture in local churches across the US and the UK.  


Many blessings to you in this holiday season!



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