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Howell Family 2021

What an adventure that our family has been on the last month, as one season comes to a close and another one is fast approaching us. I wanted to take an opportunity to document some of the recent adventures in the Howell household as we just returned from a relaxing family getaway. I took advantage of the time away from the office and Russellville, and tried to unplug from the outside world.  Removing the likes of social media, emails, and texting for a solid week.  If you don't regularly do this, I'd highly recommend it.  


I learned that the 200+ notifications when I re-activated my account, really weren't that important after all.  At least not as important as the 6 kids and beautiful wife that were right in front of me.  It's interesting how trained our devices have us, to continually pick up our phones when we receive a notification.  I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the recent adventures, thoughts, and some of what is coming in this season ahead. 


As a father, I come to appreciate moments like these, when we get to celebrate our children.  As a Pastor, sometimes we blur the lines between our relationship with God, Spouse, Family, Church & Friends.  The church portion of that sometimes jumps ahead of the Spouse and Family dynamic, when unknown things happen and it's easy for people in ministry to place others in front of their loved ones, because we feel that we are doing the "Lord's Work".  Maybe it's that phone call from a church member, a text message, or another church event that seems overly important that we can skip that event, or respond to a text.  If I were honest this has been one of my consistent failings is not properly setting up boundaries when it comes to Church and work. I'm working on it every day, and learning how to navigate those conversations and guard my time with my family and my own personal Sabbath each week.  


This coming month, my beautiful Wife and I will celebrate our 20th Anniversary.  While we enjoyed our vacation with the family, we are planning on spending a week at our family cabin with our kids, then Stacy and I are heading off to Tybee Island, GA for a week alone.  We felt that it was important to take the week with our kids, and then head off together, for a time of just us.  Stacy is currently planning the 2021 Women's Conference here at our local church, and it will be a good time of us just getting to spend some quality time together.  


As we head into the second half of the year, there seems to be a re-focusing of all things family and ministry combined.  We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us.  One word that I've continually heard over the last 6 months has been "Pursuit". I feel that when we pursue him and all that he has for us, then we will see all the good things that he has in store for us.  We are excited to see the things that the Lord has in store for us both here in Russellville, and throughout the state.  Our reach has expanded, and I've had tremendous opportunities over the last year to lead our prophetic team in ministry to over 150  pastors and church leaders across 3 continents, 5 nations, and 10 different states.  I've been continually amazed as the world defined the "Church" as being closed due to the pandemic, yet God was opening doors for our teams all across the globe.  


Your prayers and all the support for our family are always greatly appreciated.  As you can tell, there is rarely a dull moment in the Howell household.   We are blessed indeed. 


"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."

PSALMS 127:4-5


Emma Grace Graduates

Emma Grace aka EG, graduated from RHS this past month. What an honor it's been to watch her shine as she excelled in Choir, (All-Region, All-State) Theatre, and Speech and Debate.  She has enrolled at Arkansas Tech University, for the coming year.  Her plans are to major in graphic design, and she is planning on attending Seminary once she graduates to continue focusing on worship.  Her goal is to one day be a worship leader and involved in ministry at a local church. 


Warnock, will be entering his first year at Russellville High School.  He recently passed his drivers test, and got his license (Look Out)!  Still the ultimate Movie and Sports Trivia Guru.  He got a job at the local ball park umpiring baseball games, and is enjoying practicing for the Cyclone JV Football team.  His days consist of football workouts every morning, lots of protein shakes, and continually pointing out that he is finally taller than his old man! His current goal is to one day become a offensive coordinator and coach football.  


Some random action shots from L to R: Katie Mae is currently trying out for the 8th grade RJHS Whirlwinds Volleyball team, she recently won the "Hustle" award at the team camp. Ezra & Birdee have officially completed their Kindergarten year, they loved Sequoyah and all their new friends.  Charlotte Olivia is officially registered for Kindergarten.  Ezra is sporting her USS Alabama Sailor hat that we got on vacation. I first went on the battleship tour 36 years ago with my grandparents, so it was definitely a joy to share this experience with the younger kids while Stacy and the older kids went shopping since "Dad" had a younger audience.   Far Right: Stacy and her beach cuties on the way to the beach on our recent vacation.


L to R: Family stop in Vicksburg, MS at the civil war memorial park. We stopped at the Birthplace museum of Elvis where Birdee asked me if Elvis was the President, to which I proudly replied "No honey, he wasn't the President, he was the King!".  I've been excited to have an ever increasing involvement with some amazing pastors in the Little Rock area.  This is a picture at the home of Bishop Robert and Mrs. Carolyn Smith, and Ps. Barry Hall of Bethel Church - Little Rock.  Expect some exciting things coming from this group in the near future. They've been key in hosting the recent Sean Feucht event, along with some other events in the last year. There are some more opportunities for us to work together in the near future. Last Picture is recent trip to Grace Church - Alma with Ps. Zach Allen, I was honored to travel with Ps. Wayne and help minister to their congregation along with his oldest daughter Esther.   

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