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I Believe

In recent weeks, I’ve had a stirring in my heart to study the “Apostles Creed”.   The Apostles Creed as we know and recite in traditional settings, was written in in the 700’s, but it is referred to in earlier contexts and writings as the Old Roman Creed or Symbol dating some 500 years earlier.  It was a "blueprint" if you will for the Gospel.  Some even attributed it to being originally written by the 11 apostles, however, this has never been proven.  In it's earliest form it can be referenced as early as mid 200's AD.


I can remember growing up in the Methodist Church, this creed was something that we recited each week.  Now I realize that it is not the “inerrant” word of God.  It does not carry the authority of written scripture.  It is a reflection of the Gospel though, and lays out beautifully some of the fundamental truths that we believe in the Gospel.   The best description that I have heard when it comes to the Creed, would be comparing it to the Moon.   The moon, is not a source of light, what we see when we see the moon, is a reflection of the light cast on it by the Sun.    

The Sun would be the scripture, and the Moon would be the Creed.    I don’t subscribe to the belief that it is some incantation, that if you recite it every week, then you will have a salvation experience.


The term Creed in itself comes from the Latin word Credo meaning “I Believe”.  The first two words of the Apostles Creed are “I Believe”.   I’m currently planning a study series for Small Groups at our local church based on the Apostle’s Creed.  What does it say, why do “I Believe” it, where is this found in scripture and how does this impact my daily life.    

Perhaps, it’s fitting in the uncertainty of the world, for us as the church to lean on the Creed’s.  To set our footing firmly in what we do actually “Believe”.  


What would a Creed look like if it was written by today’s church?  Perhaps there is a unique opportunity for the Church to write this out.   How can the Church across the Globe, be so unified on this one “Creed”, yet so far apart across the spectrum on so many other global issues.   


I was discussing this with a very close friend of mine recently, and I think he had a very valiant thought.   Maybe it is time, for us as believers to not re-write the “Apostle’s Creed”, but develop a new statement, for what we believe in addition to this approximately 1900 year old document! What would a document look like written by the Church in 2021?  What would be the benefits to the Modern Day Church creating a document stating what our "Credo" is? Would this even be possible?


What do you Believe?

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